What is an  .AC.UK domain name

choosing a ac.uk domainAC.UK domains

The .ac.uk domain name extension carries a high-profile online.  Higher education providers are very eager to attain and keep an .ac.uk domain once registered, as they are trusted and recognised internationally.

define .AC.UK domain.AC.UK is a Second-Level domain (.uk being the top level) and is predominantly used for education websites.

Unlike other second-level UK domains (like .co.uk, or .org.uk) the registrations and renewals of ac.uk domains must meet mandatory requirements (see: jisc.ac.uk ...what-does-an-acuk-web-address-mean). 

These strict regulations ensure all .ac.uk domains are trusted worldwide.

.AC.UK is a Second-level high-profile domain used by education websites.

Use of ac.uk domain names:

These are reserved for use by academic institutions/education establishments where the "core" mission is tertiary education and/or public research.

As defined by the online Cambridge dictionary:
"the last part of an internet address that belongs to a British university or college" (Sept 2016 Cambridge dictionary). 

The .ac.uk domain is now a necessity for education institutions.

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define .ac.uk domain name

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